Expedition Clockwork Ocean


Science Contact

Dr. Burkhard Baschek

Prof. Dr. Burkard Baschek
Expedition Clockwork Ocean Director
Dorector of the Institute of Coastal Research, HZG

Mail: burkard.baschek@hzg.de
Tel.: +49 (0)4152 87-1533

Press Contact

Torsten Fischer

Dr. Torsten Fischer
Director of the awareness campaign project Clockwork Ocean
Spokesman and Head of the Public Relations Department, HZG

Mail: torsten.fischer@hzg.de
Tel.: +49 (0)4152 87-1677

Planetarium Contact

Tanja Baschek Portrait neu 2016 Original

Tanja Baschek
Projectmanager Clockwork Ocean
Public Relations, HZG

Mail: tanja.baschek@hzg.de
Tel.:+49 (0)4152 87-1785

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